Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring with me for tutoring?

  • Valencia Student ID
  • Textbook
  • Notes
  • Questions for our Tutors

How do I check in when I come to the Foreign Language Lab?

Use your Valencia student ID to sign in at our computer. When you scan your ID, you can select one of the following three options:

  1. Tutoring
  2. Workshops
  3. General Lab use

Select the reason you are visiting the lab and click "Sign In".

My professor is choosing to give me extra credit for using the lab. How will they know I have come?

You must sign in AND sign out for your instructor to know you were here.

How do I check out a textbook, dictionary, or reference book?

Tell one of our lab staff or tutors that you would like to check out an item. You need to present your Student ID to check out anything from the lab.

Can I check out a textbook and take it with me to class?

Yes. You must return the textbook before it is due back to avoid paying a fine. Textbooks are due back within 2 hours of their check out time.

How do I know when my favorite tutor will be tutoring in the Foreign Language Lab?

Our tutors’ schedules are posted inside the Lab. You can also call or ask any of the lab staff for this information.

Is one-on-one tutoring available?

All of our tutoring is available on a drop-in basis. If you are the only student in the lab while a tutor is there, then you will be able to receive one-on-one assistance. If there are multiple students in the lab, our tutors are trained to spend equal amounts of time assisting each student. A tutor will work with you on one concept, make sure you understand the material, and then check on the other students.

I don’t need tutoring but need a place to study for my course. Can I use the lab as a study space?

Yes, the lab is a great place to study, and tutors are available in case you do have questions. Please keep in mind that tutoring and workshops do occur in the lab so it is not a designated quiet study area.

Can I recieve extra credit for attending a workshop?

Students can recieve extra credit for attending the workshops but this is at the sole discretion of their instructor.

Can I sign up in advance for a workshop?

Yes. You can sign up online or in person. However, we welcome drop-in attendees to all of our workshops.

Do I have to sign in when I attend a workshop?

Yes. All students must sign in at the computer in the front when they come for a workshop.

Where can I find the workshop schedule?

The workshop schedule is posted online at the following address: