Faculty Hub

Welcome to the Valencia College Faculty Hub!


  • Accommodated Testing-任何由我们的学生办公室批准的测试住宿的学生 Disabilities
  • Make-up tests for face-to-face and mixed-mode-用于因减罪而错过课堂测试或测验的学生 情况和有教师的许可参加测试或测验 in the testing and assessment center. 

*测试和评估中心不提供完整的课程或在线课程. Honorlock 是否可以继续用于课程监考.

At A Glance:

  • 测试材料应完整填写并提交  1 business day prior 以确保考生可以按照考试日期提前1小时报名 policy. 特殊的OSD住宿需要提前5个工作日(见“Additional Notes" section below).
  • 您可以在提交后对提交的内容进行更改但是,如果您需要对日期、持续时间或位置进行编辑,请 email your Testing and Assessment Center. 
Steps to Submit Your Test Referral

Submit your referral by clicking on your home campus link below to access your  RegisterBlast Account: 


Please select your Home Campus below:




如果您在登录Atlas后没有在RegisterBlast中看到教师选项卡 请联系您所在学校的考试和评估中心. 



Additional Notes:

Student Appointments

Accommodated Students

  • 有学生的教职员工有批准的住宿,将需要使用 在考试和评估中心,我们鼓励他们提交所有的考试 RegisterBlast在学期初,所以他们的OSD学生可以做他们的 appointments early.  如果你有什么问题,你需要什么测试信息的时间 请随时与您所在学校的考试和评估中心联系. 
  • 学生在你的课程(s)已经适应测试 alternate test format, scribe or readers should be done at least 5 business days in advance 确保学生提前4个工作日预约. 这将确保测试和辅助功能人员有足够的时间来支持 accommodation.
  • 住宿没有显示在他们的RegisterBlast帐户的学生 预约时应该给学校发邮件   Office for Students With Disabilities.

Valencia College Faculty Resources

Home Campus Contacts

Campus Email Phone
East eac-testingcenter@canadiantailors.net 407-582-2520
West wec-testingcenter@canadiantailors.net 407-582-1323
Osceola osc-testingcenter@canadiantailors.net 407-582-4149
Poinciana PNC-TestingCenter@canadiantailors.net 407-582-6052
Lake Nona lnc_testingcenter@canadiantailors.net 407-582-7104
Winter Park wpc-testingcenter@canadiantailors.net 407-582-6086
Downtown dtctestingcenter@canadiantailors.net 407-235-3825

Faculty Frequently Asked Questions

Appointment based testing only:

  • Valencia College accommodated Testing (ADA)
  • 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院标准化考试(ACCUPLACER ESL, AAF, PERT, CLEP和tea)
  • 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院混合模式补课考试 & Face-to-Face courses
    • 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院补考是为错过课堂考试的学生准备的 or quiz due to an extenuating circumstance.

*面对面课程考试只会在安排的考试和补考中进行监考 exams.


  • 教师必须至少通过RegisterBlast提交推荐和测试 1 business day before students are able to schedule appointments.
  • 所有测试/调度提交必须由相应的审核和批准 Testing and Assessment Center. 测试和评估中心将审查和批准 submissions within 1 business day.

What proctoring services are not provided?

  • Online course testing
  • Full classes (approved make up exams only)

Great news, your account has already been created! Please follow the steps in the link below.

How do I submit my test to the Testing Center?
Submit your exam information through RegisterBlast. Please follow the steps in the links below:

How do I receive my completed exams?

  1. 在考试和评估中心领取任何纸/笔考试.
  2. Interoffice Mail
  3. 要求扫描测试并通过电子邮件发送给您(这是一项礼貌服务) check with your testing center).

How do I contact the Testing Staff?
请查看我们的网站,了解您的校园测试和评估的联系信息 center:
Testing and Assessment

如果学生违反考试中心的规定或被怀疑有下列行为,该怎么办 academic dishonesty?
违反学生行为准则的学生 may 在考试和评估服务人员的指示下停止考试 be escorted out of the testing center. Any violations will be reported to you and your Dean. 根据事件的严重程度,可向学生行为部门举报 for disciplinary action. 您将收到一份由测试人员填写的事故报告 and assessment center staff.

学生参加澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院考试和评估需要付费吗 Centers?

How do I know that the exam submission is secure?
RegisterBlast非常重视考试安全和隐私. All submissions are 存储在国内 服务器上,只有测试和评估中心的工作人员可以使用 access to that information. 其他教师或学生无法查看您的测试,测试 materials, or submission information. RegisterBlast is also a member of the National 大学考试协会(NCTA),并被其他著名机构使用.

我可以在RegisterBlast中提交的考试次数有最大限制吗 semester?
你可以提交的考试数量没有限制,但是请坚持 请注意,我们只监考补考(F2F和混合模式)和学生 with approved accommodations. 请注意,在某些时间座位可能有限 本学期,接受学生注册,先到先得 basis.

Is there a file upload size?

Is there a limit to the number of attachments?
附件的数量没有限制,但请注意处理时间 may be impacted.

Exams must be submitted through RegisterBlast.

请直接联系您的校园测试和评估中心讨论您的申请 needs. Emergencies are handled on a case-by-case basis.