
Q: Why am I being asked to evaluate my professor before the end of the semester?
The faculty decided to pilot a new schedule for obtaining student feedback that separates 从期末考试开始的过程. 这个时间表 will be evaluated at a later date using feedback from both 学生人数和教职员工.

Q; Are the 调查 anonymous?
是的,调查回答是匿名的. 教授和院长不会收到任何回复 直到成绩提交后. 即便如此,也没有学生的名字与之相关 评论. 学生 may choose to "send proof" (see the information in this  讲义), but even then, the actual survey responses are not sent to professors or deans.


There are two possible reasons why you are having trouble logging in to the system.

  1. We have found that for some 学生, the last time they changed their 阿特拉斯 passwords, they did not correctly sync across all of Valencia’s systems. 唯一的办法就是强迫 reset是指再次更改您的阿特拉斯密码. 我们知道这可能是一个 给您带来不便,我深表歉意. 如果你还记得之前的阿特拉斯密码, 您可能会成功使用它登录.
  2. If you are receiving a "Not a valid CoursEval user" error, then you have not been 添加到CoursEval系统. New users are added at different times during the semester 在调查开始之前. Please refer to our calendar for survey availablility 日期. You will receive an email notification when your available 调查 are open 到那时我就可以访问了.

问:哦! 我填错了调查问卷,你能帮我重新填写吗? 我看不到我的完成 调查? 

学生 can edit their survey responses until the 调查 close. 要编辑您的回复, 点击 调查 toward the upper left corner of the homepage and choose 完成调查. 您完成的所有调查将被显示. 您可以带来最近的完成 to the top of the list by selecting the downward arrow to the right of 日期/时间完成. Select 编辑调查答案关闭日期 栏编辑您的回复.

Q: Is there a unique URL (hyperlink) for my class that I can send to my 学生?
CoursEval is a portal system, much like 阿特拉斯, which 学生 and faculty must log in to; therefore, we cannot generate unique URLs for each course. 的URL 门户是 http://tiny.cc/CoursEval_Student and users should log in with their regular Valencia credentials.

Please contact the Office of 机构评估 at participate@canadiantailors.net.

Q: This list of courses/学生 doesn’t look right: Something is missing or something 这是不应该的吗.
Your roster of 学生 taking the SFI should reflect everyone who was enrolled (those 谁留在你的班级,谁退出). 做调查的决定 available to 学生 who withdrew was a faculty-made decision. 如果有课程 missing, or 学生 appear to be incorrect or omitted from the list and they are currently enrolled, please contact our office for assistance. 请联系Deidre 福尔摩斯·杜波依斯 dholmesdubois@canadiantailors.net with questions related to the decisions made by the faculty. 请与她联系 2013年秋季的治理更新如下: http://tiny.cc/DHolmesDuboisArticle

Q: What should I do if I cannot see the correct survey results using the reporting 工具?
First check your filters to ensure they are not preventing you from seeing the data 你需要.  这些过滤器可以在菜单下面找到:

If after clearing all of your filters you are still not seeing the courses 你需要, 请与院校评估部门联系 participate@canadiantailors.net.

Q: I didn’t take a survey, and the deadline has passed. 你能帮我重新打开吗?
Unfortunately, once a survey is closed, we are unable to re-open it. 教职员工和 deans value your feedback and hope you will be able to participate in future semesters.

Q: How do I send proof that I completed the survey to my professor?

  • To send proof of completion to your instructor, follow these steps:

    1. 登录CoursEval: http://tiny.cc/CoursEval_Student

    2. 选择 调查 link toward the top left corner of the homepage and then choose 完成调查.

    *Note: If you are on the mobile site, please 点击 the 完整的网站 链接,以便访问您的已完成调查.

    3. On the 完成调查 page, make sure the most recent 调查 appear by clicking 在右边向下的箭头上 日期/时间完成.

    4. 在 日期/时间完成 列,单击 派遣证明 链接您完成的调查. 我们会发邮件给你的教授,让他们这么做 知道你已经完成了课程调查.

Q: When I click the “send proof” link, what does my professor see?
The send proof option sends an email to the instructor informing them that you have 成功提交调查问卷. 这就是信息所要表达的内容 不包括你的调查回答:

The participant shown below has recently completed an assigned evaluation.



Q: Why are 学生 being surveyed before the end of the term or why are the 调查 比以前更早地给药?
The decision to open the 调查 before the end of term and at various time periods during the semester was made by faculty, who are piloting these changes as a result of research showing it is best to separate these 调查 from final exams. 这个时间表 will be evaluated at a later date using feedback from both the 学生 and faculty. A copy of the SFI administration 日期 can be found here: http://canadiantailors.net/academics/analytics-and-planning/institutional-evaluation/SURVEYS/calendar.php

Q: Can 学生 access the SFI through the tab/link in our class CANVAS site too?
The survey software (CoursEval) does not currently allow for a single sign on with CANVAS. The company has been working on this issue, and we hope to have that feature 可以很快. 在 meantime, 学生 can access the survey portal by clicking the link embedded in all of our e-mail correspondence. 此外,“学生 Feedback on Instruction (SFI) - CoursEval" link within CANVAS will direct 学生 到CoursEval门户网站.

Q: Why aren’t all of the classes I’m teaching appearing on the list of courses to 乘坐SFI?
The faculty decided to try a new schedule for administering the SFI to 学生.  这个时间表 will be reviewed at a later date and will include feedback from both 学生人数和教职员工.  SFI管理日期时间表 可在以下网址找到: http://canadiantailors.net/academics/analytics-and-planning/institutional-evaluation/SURVEYS/calendar.php

Q: Can I add my own questions to the 调查 for my class?
教师 cannot add questions to their own individual 调查 in CoursEval. 然而, 教职员工可以使用 质量在线调查工具, which allows them to create and administer customized 调查 to 美高梅 学生.