College Access Stories

We know that education has the power to transform lives. We know that a student who earns a degree has the chance to lift his or her family out of poverty. But the benefits of a college education extend beyond just income; research shows that college-educated residents are better informed citizens, critical thinkers and lifelong learners. At Valencia, we are dedicated to making access to college or other postsecondary training possible for everyone.

Teagan Holland

When Teagan Holland decided he wanted to start a career in hospitality management, he headed to the epicenter of hospitality in the United States: Orlando, Fla.

Patricia Hernandez Torquemada and Daniella Torquemada

Leap of Faith: Two Venezuelan sisters wanted careers as doctors. They left Venezuela and Argentina to pursue that path.

Mihaka Saintelus

After a family emergency derailed her college plans, Mihaka Saintelus got great news: two free years of college from Osceola Prosper.

Liz Angela Tillias

Born and raised in Haiti, Liz Angela Tillias made her way to Valencia College in Spring 2022, in hopes of starting the race to fulfilling a lifelong goal of attending college.

Arelise Vasquez

Arelise Vasquez flew under the radar in high school. But thanks to the Osceola Prosper scholarship, she's attracting attention as an SGA leader.

Erika Nielsen

Erika Nielsen's thirst for knowledge began in elementary school. So when she started taking college classes in seventh grade, she pushed herself to learn more -- and quickly finished her associate in arts degree while still in high school. Now she's planning to major in biology, head to medical school and ultimately become a cardiac surgeon.

Miranda Rublaitus

Miranda Rublaitus started college after spending more than a decade running her own small business. Now she's ready for her next big move.

Omari Jones

While training for the Olympics, Omari Jones didn't want to delay going to college. So the former dual enrollment student decided to continue his college education at Valencia College, taking online classes while boxing in international tournaments and training in Colorado Springs.

Angela Murphy

Angela Murphy spent most of her adult life working in a dental office, making little more than minimum wage. But when she decided to go to college, she discovered it wasn’t too late to live her dreams.

Marc Aristide

From struggling math student to a bachelor's degree graduate on a management track, Marc Aristide credits Valencia's small classes and personal attention with helping him succeed. 

Dalton Joseph

Dalton Joseph came to Valencia College with one goal: to beat the odds.

Nadia Vidal

A journey of exploration: Nadia Vidal came to Valencia College in the wake of Hurricane 玛丽亚(女名). Now she's exploring a future as an oceanographer.